
I Make a Difference

Processing Prompt - Do you fight or surrender?

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Dear Reader

How many times during a week do you experience things not going the way you want or expect them to?

And you find yourself fighting what is happening to you?

Fighting the process that is unfolding. Resisting it, pushing back on it, pushing it, and trying to make something else happen. You make what is going on wrong.

Even getting frustrated, impatient and angry all signs you are fighting what you are experiencing.

But what and whom are you fighting?

You are fighting yourself, your expectations of how things should be. Your expectations of yourself and others.

What expectations prevent you from experiencing, is what is happening, that is meant to happen.

Every time you fight, what is happening, you expend energy that you could use in other ways. You create tension and stress within you, that impact your body and health, and compound your emotions. You fight yourself.

Today I went to go to the post office to get my third keyboard this week, as they keep needing to be replaced. The car would not start. Then I locked the keys in the house. So I borrowed my mom's car to go to the post office, only to discover that the tracking information was wrong and the keyboard was not there.

If I had fought any element of that process, it would have meant I got angry at the company whom I bought the keyboard from (well keyboards, even though I only bought one).

I would have got angry at the car (and as if it was the cars fault the battery ran out in the remote). I would have got angry at the remote (the remote was not responsible for the battery, and the battery - well they run out). And I would have got angry at and beaten myself up for having locked the keys in the house.

But why?

What would have been the benefit in me doing so?

What reason was there for me to fight what was happening (and get frustrated and angry)?

  • Because things didn't happen how I wanted them to?
  • Because I deserve to be punished for being focused more on what was happening with the car, than the house keys?
  • Because the company that sold me the keyboard has been wonderful in doing everything they can to replace the keyboards that they do not manufacture or package?

I accepted what was happening. I surrendered to the process.

I did not fight what was happening.

Instead I worked with what was happening and made choices as to what I could do to work with the situation as it was.

It was fluid and easy.

I got to see my mom. I helped her out because she wanted some milk from the local store, which I got her. I went for a walk to her place. I got to get out of the house for awhile. And the company who I bought the keyboard from was amazing and I had a laugh with them.

Surrendering does not mean giving in, it means giving up the fight and not resisting anymore. It means not fighting yourself.

When you surrender, you flow with what is happening, you do not fight, resist or make any of what you are experiencing wrong.

When you flow you make conscious choices to influence what happens and the outcome.

The power of surrender is that you get to influence what you experience, so you influence what you deserve, in a way that is natural, respectful and honoring.

What if the next time you find yourself fighting or resisting, you pause, focus internally and relax and say to yourself "I surrender"?

Discover some magic.

Melinda xx

I Make a Difference

Melinda Cates

True Self Facilitator and Soul Adventurer - Empowering individuals to break through their limitations, unravel conditioning, heal from old wounds, and reconnect to their true selves.

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