
I Make a Difference

IMAD Processing Prompt - Emotional Popping...

Published 9 months ago • 2 min read

Dear Reader

Whether it is in your work, sport, activities at home, as a partner, friend, or a parent there are times when you will experience EMOTIONAL POPPING (yes it feels loud and explosive).

Where you...

  • feel a wall of energy closing in on you, as it squeezes you from inside
  • feel overwhelmed with what you are doing, (where it feels all too much to deal with), or rather what you are to do
  • feel fragmented because so much is coming at you in a short period of time, each element demanding you to give it attention
  • feel out of control in managing what you are doing
  • feel out of control within yourself and in managing yourself
  • struggle to breathe
  • struggle to see the big picture, let alone the details of the picture, because the picture has become a blurry mess
  • experience things not working, going wrong, not moving, and not happening
  • feel vulnerable and that you are failing
  • experience self-doubt about your ability to manage what you are doing, whether you can do it and get through it
  • become needy of reassurance from others
  • become needy of someone else to take responsibility for you, and give you an out either by rescuing you, or letting you off the hook

And all you want to do is run, quit, get out of there, and even hide under the blankets.

Then it happens - you emotionally and energetically pop!

The pop can be tears, a tantrum, a download, a yell, slamming a few doors, storming off, or even beating yourself up.

You battled yourself.

You fought the fight of your expectations that you should be able to handle it, be all over it, be on top of it, be organized, and more.

You fought the fight of judging and rejecting yourself for believing you are not meeting your expectations, not handling them, and that you are not good enough.

You fought the fight of judging and rejecting yourself in comparing yourself to others and how they handle things or how you have been in the past in similar situations.

You fought the fight of your expectations that you should not have expectations and should not be judging yourself.

You fought the fight of your emotional neediness to be of value and worth by having it handled and having it sorted.

You fought the fight of your emotional neediness for reassurance from someone or the universe that you are ok and are good enough.

Then you fought the fight of your emotional neediness for safety and security in not wanting to feel vulnerable anymore and wanting to run away.

Maybe you did run, but I bet you came back.

Maybe you stayed and emotionally popped and pushed through to the other side.

You emotionally popped! You felt the emotion and energy that was brewing with you, controlling your thoughts, body, energy, and emotions, where it built in intensity until it popped.

Where it surfaced to be released so you could pop through to the other side.

And you know from experience, that on the other side of an emotional pop is clarity, creativity, ideas, flowing energy, movement, and growth.

The popping clears out residue past processing that has been influencing you. It clears the way for your soul to provide you with the information about the next steps you are to take in your growth and in what you are doing.

It takes strength, trust, and belief in yourself to go through the process of emotional popping and coming out the other side. Acknowledge yourself for doing so.

Embrace emotional popping as an amazing powerful process for your growth.

After you have emotionally popped, take time to apologize to the parts of you, you rejected and were hard on.

You deserve more kindness, acceptance, and trust from yourself. This is what you are growing within you by pushing through after an emotional pop.

Remind yourself when you are feeling what you are before the pop happens - when you want to run, want to quit, and want to give up - out of the chaos will come clarity, direction, strength, growth, and calm.

I Make a Difference

I Make a Difference

Melinda Cates

True Self Facilitator and Soul Adventurer - Empowering individuals to break through their limitations, unravel conditioning, heal from old wounds, and reconnect to their true selves.

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